Mold carriers

Tool carrier systems

In order to remain largely self-supporting in tool manufacturing, we also desing and build our own mould carriers. The individual variants differ in type of opening. The common variants can be opened either horizontally or vertically and can be controlled electrically or pneumatically depending on the requirements.

different variants:

  • horizontal tool carriers
  • vertical tool carriers
  • hydraulic tool carriers
  • electric control
  • pneumatic control
  • roundtables


Our new mold carrier brings together the two common tipping variants. It can be tilted vertically as well as horizontally by pushing a button. The result is an even better foaming process!

Our mold carriers are optimally adapted to the needs of the foaming process. The opening angle is set in such a way that our foaming tools can be operated in the best possible way. The ergonomic requirements of the operator are implemented here. The tipping angle favours air eviction from inside and ensures a homogeneous foam result without air inclusions.


Our mold carrier -

Not only the unification of the different tipping variants ensures a foam carrier revolution, but also the size-adjustable base plate. This allows this new carrier to be used universally

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